Wrapped Around My Finger

Ugh, ugh, ugh….I’m just saying. So as if the loss of three months of pictures was not bad enough, oh do I have something that could top that by about ten BILLION (and yes, I mean BILLION) miles. On Thursday the peanut and I were running around town all day, you know, the library, theContinue reading “Wrapped Around My Finger”

All the leaves are brown…

So it seems that Autumn may finally be coming to the Midwest. It was cold enough to wear a long sleeve t-shirt yesterday. OK, I did see some people wearing shorts and t-shirts but I’m so ready, I just sweated it out! 🙂 You know, it’s not like I don’t like summer, I love it.Continue reading “All the leaves are brown…”

These are a few of my favorite things…

So tomorrow (Friday) for MOPS we are supposed to bring in our favorite thing. Something from our home that we love, whether priceless financially or priceless to us for sentimental reasons, just something that we really love. I’ve been thinking about it, maybe my scrapbooks, or pictures, they are my favorite things for sure. ButContinue reading “These are a few of my favorite things…”

Wait for you

So I know I’ve been absent with the exception of memes and pictures for the most part.  This weekend was busy, busy.  Trying to fix the very leaky faucet and lawnmower, having dinner with my parents, church, dinner with missionaries from Hungary, baby shower, etc…, just altogether busy.  Mostly a lot of running around, whichContinue reading “Wait for you”