My 5 year old and the gospel

This morning, as I was finishing my hair, Lilla came in the bathroom as she had to “go”. She was silent for a moment and then this conversation took place:
Lilla: Mom, God hates sin.
Me: He does. How do we know that?
Lilla: The Bible says it. He hates sin every little bit.
Me: That’s true.
Lilla: And he loves us so much. He loves us so much he died on the cross. He died a lot on the cross for us.
Me: He did die on the cross, but we have hope. Do you know why we have hope?
Lilla: Because He rose again. He told everybody that He would and He did. The bad guys didn’t want Him to and didn’t believe Him when He said He would, but He did.
Me: Now that’s the truth!

Think your 5 year old can’t “get it”? Yes they can!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14

Published by amysblahblahblog

Follower of Jesus Christ. Wife for Life. Mom to 2 girls. Homeschooler. Missions Minded. Book reader. Traveller. Mountain Loving. Tea drinker.

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