
I feel like my life the past few days has truley been a zoo, I’m so not kidding.  We have been running so hard and so fast that I am just too pooped to putt.  My body is worn down, and my brain is no better!

On Friday, my 20 month old niece spent the night.  The girls had an  absolute blast, eating pizza, taking a bath together, fighting over who had the toy first and dancing to the Backyardigans theme, but whew, was Aunt Amy a tired girl!  My niece suddenly wanted her mama about 9pm as this was her first night away, luckily I had a Shirley Temple movie up my sleeve.  I calmed her down, curled up on the couch and started watching and she was out in no time, good stuff that Curly Top!

Saturday I played with the girls more while Mr. Right gave blood, then started to clean like a madwoman.  I was glad that the peanut took a 2 1/2 hour nap after My niece went home so I could really deep clean.  Why, you ask?  Well, we met with our realtor, and we decided to put our house on the market on Saturday.  Yes, we might be moving.  Nowhere far, just nearer to church and more in the country.  We are not big city people, we only live in the city for employment reasons so the further we can get out, the happier we will be.  We have no idea what is in God’s plan though so we might not move at all.   I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on the homeselling adventures!

After that, we went over to the parent’s of a good college friend of mine  and had dinner.  And yummy, it was so good.  It was a traditional Venezualan dinner, so that was fun!  The peanut sure had her fill of fried plantains!  To a point of horrible gas that night, poor girl!  I felt so bad for her grunting and groaning the way she was!

We then headed down to Avaton, KY, about 4 hours south of here.  We didn’t get there until midnight our time.  Whew, were we tired!  The peanut did not like the idea of sleeping in a pack and play either so that was good times!  We had a nice, albeit short, stay in KY.  We were there for our neice’s first communion and it was nice to spend time with Mr. Right’s family.

We got back around 8:30pm yesterday and got to work more on getting things packed up around the house. 

Then today my sister and I took the kids to the zoo.  It was so hot, holy cow!  We didn’t stay too long, but did get to show the girls a lot of the animals.  Although many of them were inside.  I’m sure they didn’t want to get a sunburn, it was so sunny!  We have had great weather here lately!  We did wind up getting some Dairy Queen to cool off afterwards!  Have you ever had a butterscotch dip cone?  Seriously, I love them!  I also get some of the crunch stuff on the side and dip the cone in it, yummy!

So, with ice cream dreams in my mind, I’m off to make dinner!  Take care all!

Published by amysblahblahblog

Follower of Jesus Christ. Wife for Life. Mom to 2 girls. Homeschooler. Missions Minded. Book reader. Traveller. Mountain Loving. Tea drinker.

16 thoughts on “Zoobilation

  1. You deserved DQ after all that. I love DQ and we don’t have one here, although this is one on the way to my folks…makes for a good potty break and even if the kids don’t have to go, I will always volunteer. I also love the DQ commercials, funny stuff.

    Your house is so cute and clean looking. I’m sure most people drive by and think I’m running a daycare or else the place has been abandoned.

  2. Sounds like a crazy busy weekend, but sounds like tons of fun, too!!

    Good luck selling the house, and finding a new one, and all of the stuff that goes with it! God will lead you to the right place.

    God bless 🙂

  3. Man, I’m tired just reading about all you have done! Sounds like you guys had a great time though! And Oh honey, I am so with ya on the dip cone….I’m a chocolate dip cone lover myself though!….yuuuuuummmy!!!

  4. hey there Amy friend, not a military family exactly just a tough okd belgian dad and sounds like t tiring but fun weekend there is kentucky on my mind right now as in Kentucky Derby and what i continue to learn is to listen to my Fathers voice If we can just let toose our own thinking lonh enough we may learn to better heaar His voice your friend Danny Remember some trust in chariots some trust in horses but i choose to trust in the Lord My God Danny

  5. Hey I don’t know if you’re still wondering HOW in the world to do this, but I found out how to add a picture/graphic in the sidebar on my blog.

    Here’s the link: http://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic.php?id=2484&page&replies=13#post-14820

    You might have to copy and paste it into your browser, I’m not sure it’s going to link from here.

    One tip – the part where it says copy the code between ” and ” – yeah that didn’t work. I just copied the whole code that showed up in the post box. Make sense? And when they say click on the html button – it’s actually the button that says “code”. It took me a while to figure that out, but I’m slow! LOL

  6. I love the names Lilla and Maddie. This is the first time I’ve visited your post and wanted to share that! Love the pictures! So did the girls get to enjoy the zoo? My son is only 18 mos old and I’m afraid he won’t like it quite yet…

  7. sounds like a good craziness! elizabeth has also decided she is not down with the pack-n-play…which is quite interesting. actually, she does fine with it as long as mike and i aren’t in the same room…hmm!! hasn’t the weather been wonderful…libs and i have been outside as much as possible…i have a better tan than i’ve had since i was six!

  8. Butterscotch dips definately rank up there, but I like mine on hard ice-cream 🙂

    Sounds like you were busy as a bumblebee, but most was good 🙂

  9. Amy,
    I’m tired just from reading it!!! lol Looks like you guys have been having an awesome time though. Good luck with the house selling.

  10. Hellooooooooooo where did you goooooooo?? LOL
    Just stopping by and wanted to say hello!
    Hope you’re having a great week!
    God bless 🙂

  11. Hi Amy, you are always so sweet. Thanks for dropping by last night. I also consider you a friend. You are a true inspiration to me. I love this post. You are always so busy, try to relax a little more, but I know with children, it’s not always easy, I was there, now, I can relax more. Have a nice weekend dear you and your family, God bless you all, luv, Pauline

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