Wrapped Around Your Finger

Ugh, ugh, ugh….I’m just saying. So as if the loss of three months of pictures was not bad enough, oh do I have something that could top that by about ten BILLION (and yes, I mean BILLION) miles. On Thursday the peanut and I were running around town all day, you know, the library, the feed store to see the baby animals, groceries, Goodwill, all that good stuff, and then back home again to play outside while the weather was still warm. I was out taking pictures and having fun, came inside to put the peanut down for a nap, starting vegging to Reba when I suddenly noticed something missing. And when I say something, I only mean THE most important piece of jewelry I’ve ever owned. Yeah, my wedding/engagement set. It’s gone. And I mean gone. I did not take it off. I am sure of that. It wasn’t loose. How did it get off my finger? Not a clue I say. Not a clue. The only guess I even have is that since the peanut is always falling, maybe at one point I reached down to pull her up and her little hand pulled it off my hand. That’s all I got. I have called all around, put an ad in the paper, searched the VERY LARGE yard a million times. It’s gone. And, I’m just devestated over it. Clearly, I mean who would ever wish their wedding ring gone. I really wanted it to be the peanut’s one day. It’s just crushing. I just keep praying it will turn up. If you want to join me in prayer, why that would be super swell of you!! I think we are going to try to get a metal detector (they are like $200!!!) to try searching the yard. It’s still just unbelievable to me that this could happen. So, that’s the bad news for this week.

The good news, is that I won at the blog party again this year! Woo hoo! Last year I won a $15 gift card to Starbucks. I was number 100 out of nearly 1500 and I got an even better prize than last year. How this happened I have no idea. People must not have understood how super swell the prize is. You can go to Who Can Ask For Anything More, check out her page and see how terrific it is. A super cute bag, 3 cookbooks, and a totally terrific part, a $25 gift card to Target. Woo hoo! Mama needs a new pair of shoes! So, there is good news in an otherwise not so great week.

How was yours?

Published by amysblahblahblog

Follower of Jesus Christ. Wife for Life. Mom to 2 girls. Homeschooler. Missions Minded. Book reader. Traveller. Mountain Loving. Tea drinker.

4 thoughts on “Wrapped Around Your Finger

  1. Sweetie, it stinks that you lost your rings. I am praying along with you that they turn up. However, just remember that, in the scheme of things, all things are going to burn some day and they are just things. You and the Peanut were so busy that day and you didn’t have anything terrible happen to either of you! No accidents or anything! Still, I hope you find them.btw, have you ever heard of freecycle.org? It is a yahoo group that helps people give away their junk to other people who think it is treasure! You might be able to ask for a metal detector through it. I have gotten so many good things like a pack and play and car seats for the crisis pregnancy center I support. I have also given away a bunch of things. It is a good thing.Hope all is well, gail

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your rings, I’m sure you were seriously heartbroken and that is an understatement! I really hope you find it somewhere in your house!!!Glad you won a prize, I’m sure it doesn’t soften this blow too much but it helps just a little 🙂

  3. amy…dearest amy…i can only imagine how heartbreaking it must have been to realize the ring was gone. praying that it turns up…and also rejoicing in the bit of “joy” you found in winning a fun prize.

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